Bringing up your High Performing Teen Daughter
Mother-Daughter Workshop

This workshop is a soul-connecting experience between you and your teen daughter, to nourish your mother-daughter relationship and build strong keystones for your daughter’s brightest future.
You and your daughter will learn alongside each other what it takes for your daughter to be resilient, self-confident, and resourced to deal with life’s challenges.
You’ll also learn how to bring in joy, grace, and connection into your mother-daughter relationship.
Imagine this opportunity for you and your daughter to immerse together in heart-centred teachings and activities, specifically tailored to suit your unique mother-daughter dynamic.
Imagine having the peace of mind that your daughter is well prepared for her sacred journey over her teenage years into adulthood.
So, are you done with being a frustrated or anxious mother?
Are you done with second-guessing yourself?
Are you ready to experience more connection with your brilliant teen daughter?
Then read on …
workshop outline
Part One - Mother and Daughter
Part One of this program will lay down the foundations for the workshop, where you and your daughter will redefine your mother-daughter relationship based on the love and truth of your heart.
You'll learn how to see past the should's and the must’s, how to handle your fears and worries, and how to hold space for each other so that your mother-daughter relationship thrives.
Session 1 | Welcome
This session will set the scene to welcome you as mother and daughter. We will begin with a small ceremony to honour the beautiful, sacred bond that joins you together.
You and your daughter will be guided through an embodiment activity focused on your connection, inner calm, and centeredness.
We will create space for active listening, love, and acceptance, and we will set intentions for the workshop.
Session 2 | Vision
This session will focus on creating a vision for your mother-daughter relationship from a place of love and vulnerability.
You and your daughter will get clarity on your values and desires, openly share with each other, and create a strong vision that would pull you forward and light the way.
Session 3 |
The Mother's Briefing
This session will focus on holding space for you as a mother. It will include a guided activity to pinpoint your worries and fears, and reshape your relationship with them.
Your daughter will witness you during this activity, and the two of you together will learn about:
Holding space for oneself and dealing with self-judgement,
Strengthening self-awareness and being present in the moment,
Handling worries and fears by embracing them rather than repressing them,
Untangling from mental and emotional defensive patterns that keep you reacting, and
Active listening and connection through word choice and body language.
Session 4 |
The Daughter's Briefing
This session will focus on holding space for your daughter.
It will first give you and your daughter an overview of the challenges that high-performing teen girls face. It will shine light, particularly on the hidden challenges that go unnoticed or get underestimated.
The session will then guide your daughter through an activity to express her point of view and to understand her particular challenges. She will learn the importance of her ability to shine light on her challenges, articulate what she's feeling, and express herself in a healthy way.
Your daughter will be witnessed with love and acceptance. She might not wish to share everything at this stage, and her decisions will be respected.
Remember that we are planting seeds for transformation without rush, forcing, or expectations.
Session 5 | Mission
Now that you and your daughter have created your vision and pinpointed your challenges, it's time to start your mission.
This session will introduce you to the mission blueprint that we'll cover over the next parts of the workshop. The purpose is to lay strong foundations for your daughter's radiance, growth, and connection to life.
This session will also focus on the concept of commitment in your mother-daughter relationship.
You and your daughter will learn practical tools on how to stay committed to your vision and mission throughout the highs and lows of life.

workshop outline
Part Two - Healthy Habits
Part Two of this program will focus on the healthy habits that will strengthen your teen daughter's holistic wellbeing and help her stay radiant as she navigates life.
Your daughter will learn how to embody these healthy habits so that:
She knows her self-worth and stays confident and authentic in the face of challenges
She’s capable of managing her emotions, thoughts and actions, as she navigates her daily life experiences
She always treats herself with love and compassion - even in life’s darkest moments
Session 1 | Habits, Beliefs & Ways of Living
This session will provide you and your daughter with key teachings around the relation between habits and beliefs, and how they impact your decisions and behaviours.
It will also include guided activities for you and your daughter to uncover the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in unhealthy habits.
Session 2 | The Healthy Habit of Practising Self-Value
This session will focus on the importance of your daughter’s sense of self-value and its impact on her thoughts and actions, as well as the role you play as her mother in shaping her beliefs about her self-worth.
You and your daughter will learn practical tools on how to help your daughter integrate self-value into her daily life.
The habit of practicing self-value will allow your daughter to:
have healthier self-esteem
respect her body and have positive self-image
overcome her fear of failure and rejection
be honest and speak up for herself
Session 3 | The Healthy Habit of Practising Self-Management
This session will bust the common myths around self-management for teen girls. We will redefine self-management using a holistic approach that focuses on the balance between your daughter’s body, heart, and mind.
You and your daughter will learn the essential self-management skills based on healthy holistic balance, as well as how to practice these skills in daily life.
The habit of practicing self-management will allow your daughter to:
enjoy holistic wellbeing (physical, emotional, mental)
build healthy relationships with others
make use of her full energetic and mental capacities
stay focused and achieve her goals
positively contribute to her community
Session 4 | The Healthy Habit of Practising Self-Compassion
This session will address self-compassion as an essential key for your daughter to thrive. Self-compassion involves your daughter’s ability to hold space for herself while she’s going through her difficult teenage years.
You and your daughter will learn what self-compassion means on a practical level, and how to integrate it into your natural way of being.
The habit of practising self-compassion will allow your daughter to:
recognise and pause when she’s placing unrealistic expectations on herself
choose grace and faith instead of overwhelm and despair
stay willing to try, over and over again
keep her heart open, even in her darkest moments
Session 5 | Habits Integration & Action Plan
This session will involve an embodiment activity that will help you and your daughter integrate all the learnings of the day.
Also, together with you and your daughter, we’ll collate your insights and come up with an aligned action plan that you can start implementing after the workshop is over to strengthen your daughter’s habits and integrate them into her daily life.
workshop outline
Part three of this program will focus on the concept of the aligned village for your daughter’s belonging and growth.
The aligned village is the group of communities that would give your daughter safe and relevant opportunities to:
learn new concepts,
practise her skills,
fulfil her diverse needs, and
realise her dreams.
Session 1 | Community and Your Daughter’s Needs
This session will discuss how community is essential to fulfil your daughter’s diverse needs during her teenage development years, including her needs for belonging, independence, growth, and contribution.
This session will also highlight how your daughter’s needs cross over with her uniqueness, and it will include a guided activity to help you and your daughter get clear on how to tailor her needs specifically to her unique gifts, personality, vision, and situation.
Session 2 | Navigating Social & Cultural Constructs
This session will provide you and your daughter with key teachings around social and cultural constructs, and how they impact your daughter.
We’ll focus on the two main constructs that your daughter is likely to experience:
Tall Poppy Syndrome, which aims to cut down high-achievers, and
The Sister Wound, which aims to limit women and cause division between them.
We can also address one or two constructs that you believe are specific to your own cultural background or family circumstances.
You and your daughter will gain awareness and understanding of these constructs so that you can navigate society without falling victim to projections and blind spots.
Session 3 | Finding the Aligned Village
This session will guide you and your daughter through a number of exercises to help you find your daughter’s aligned village i.e. the group of aligned communities where your daughter can safely tune to her outside world, open her heart wide, and learn by grace.
Together with you and your daughter, we’ll come up with a set of criteria aligned to your values, a specific toolkit tailored to your daughter’s uniqueness, and a simple action plan for you and your daughter to experiment with after the workshop.
Session 4 | Final Wrap Up
This session will help you and your daughter wrap up all your learnings and action plans and integrate them with your big visions from Part One.
We will finish with an embodiment activity that will help ground your connection as mother and daughter.

Nadine Rajeh is the ultimate go-to mentor for high-performing teens. Her guidance is heart-centred, judgment-free, and individually tailored to suit your teen’s uniqueness.
Nadine is a coach, an international keynote speaker and an award-winning author. She’s an engineer with more than sixteen years of experience. She's a creative writer. And she’s a mom of four!
Nadine integrates her coaching with her diverse set of expertise stemming from her successful career in engineering and entrepreneurship, and she adds in her holistic approach to fulfilment and success.
Nadine works with families from all around the world, guiding brilliant teens through the hidden challenges of being a high performer. She helps them level up their social and leadership skills, and shows them how to build long lasting resilience so that they enjoy a joyful, balanced life while going after their goals.
Nadine believes in the power of youth and their big dreams, and she knows that building a brighter future for Earth starts with empowering our young ones. Nadine champions parents who want their teens to reach their highest potential and shine!